Since I've been in a really autumnal mood lately and wanted to do another blog post for you guys before my hopefully huge lush haul this weekend, so I thought it would be fitting to the Sweater Weather Tag!

The Questions:
Although it's not really an autumn smell I have been loving Yankee Candle's Midsummer Night to light in the evening as for me it is just a really nice musty smell that makes me all relaxed. As well as this despite it not being a candle I have also been using Air-wick National Parks scents in Lake District as I love this scent! It's smell is creating thanks to the use of many types of berries and to me it just smells like Christmas and Autumn, as soon as I walk into my room the scent just hits me and I love it!
2. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
To be honest none, at a push I will have a white hot chocolate but my all time favourite drink for all seasons is just a good old cup of warm milk. I don't really know why but no other hot drinks really appeal to me and milk just always seems to hit the spot.
3. What's the best fall memory you have?
My personal best memory of fall is when I went to Thorpe Park with my friend on a Halloween Fright Night. It was the first time I'd really been to a roller-coaster park and I just loved the experience going on all the rides and being flung up and down and around and around. For me it was such a great day and having the experience of everyone being dressed up for Halloween and it being your typical autumn day just made me get into the Autumn mood, (plus the hot doughnuts we had were amazing!)
4. Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged eyeliner?
In the past I haven't really been the biggest fan of makeup but as I'm starting to use it more and more I'm being to discover the products and looks I like and dislike. Recently I have been loving (alongside many other people) the dark red and purple lipsticks that have been making a comeback at this time of the year, so much so when I go shopping this weekend I really want to purchase a better quality one then I have at the moment, so look out for a review soon!
5. What do you want to be for Halloween
To go trick or treating this year i really want to go as either someone from the purge or as a zombie take of a character such as the Wizard of Oz or something similar. I just think this year I really want to go big as I may be going to a Fright Night and I really want to get into all the fun of dressing up for Halloween.
6. What do you do to get in the fall spirit?
I don't really do much to be honest, as soon as the weather starts to get a little colder and the leaves changing colour I just automatically seem to get into the Fall mood!
7. What is autumn weather like where you live?
Well since I live in England usually autumn is just filled with days where the rain is pouring down with no sunlight appearing through the grey clouds and the temperature being freezing in the mornings but quite mild later on in the day.
8. Most worn sweater?
I have so many sweaters to choose from! (Though personally I would like my collection to expand a little more!) But my favourite sweater has to be my burgundy with embellished shoulders jumper from Urban Outfitters. I just love it partly because it is nice and baggy, and it is quite light weight so I can just wear that or put a couple of layers underneath, to dress up or down this is my go-to sweater!
9. Must-have nail polish this fall?
Due to school I don't really wear nail varnish as much as I would like to, so I don't really buy many, however some colours that I have seen that I really would like to try out would be a matte black, burgundy and a light grey colour.
10. Football games or jumping in leaf piles?
Here in Britain we don't really watch school football games so it will have to be jumping in leaves, (I really wish I knew somewhere that was deep enough to do that :( ).
11. Hats or scarves?
Hats all the way! I don't really mind about having hat hair as it doesn't really affect me, I just think that hats just add something to my outfits and I love ones with bands names/slogans.
Confession time- I've never had a pumpkin spiced latte before, I'm sorry! But saying that I may have to try one this weekend when I go shopping as I heard many good reviews!
13. Favourite Halloween movie?
Right, another confession, I don't really like Halloween movies that much. I never really watched any of the classics and I'm such a scaredy-cat when it comes to horror movies, but I think I'm getting better! Although not a film I would really recommend American Horror Story as they are just so good (and with the latest series being based around a freak-show there's no better time to start watching!)
14. What song really gets you into the fall spirit?
Although it changes year to year with my music taste, one song that keeps reappearing is Green Days- 'Wake Me Up When September Ends'. It's just such a beautiful song that personally is timeless, and the music video to go with it is beautiful.
So thank you for reading my Sweater Weather Tag and I nominate:
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