Saturday, 9 August 2014

Liebster Award

Hi everyone :)

So I had just got back from a short break to find out that I had been nominated for the Liebster Award, (which was such a unexpected yet great surprise!) by Sabina and her lovely blog!

Although I had seen others blog's complete the Liebster Award before, I had never really taken the time to read through one properly and discover what it's about, therefore leading me to do some research on what it's all about. The basic concept of it is to allow you to help your own blog to become better known amongst others whilst also helping you to discover new blog that you personally find interesting.  


So here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

- Link back to the person who nominated you

- Write 11 facts about yourself

- Answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominator

- Nominate 11 other blogs for the Liebster Award

- Ask 11 questions you want to know about the nominees

- Let the nominees know they have been nominated and give them access to the award/questions 
11 Facts about Me:

  1. My dream job is to be either a RAF pilot or a firefighter- I think I would just love the thrill of the job and being able to help others whilst doing something I love
  2. In April I started rowing with my friend Emily and I am absolutely loving it! It is such a great way to help me get fit and improve my upper body strength, whilst being in a competitive environment (which I love) and making new friends
  3. I am addicted to Apple products and wish I could have all of them!
  4. My favourite body scent is 'Lynx Attract for Girls'
  5. For my GCSE's (which I have just started) I chose: German, ICT, History and Geography
  6. My favourite quote is 'All Monsters are Human'
  7. My favourite band(s) are: My Chemical Romance and All Time Low
  8. I love taking walks down by the beach
  9. My favourite book is either '13 Reasons Why' or 'The Fault in Our Stars'
  10. I drink milk like anything, (I drink about 2 litres a day!)
  11. I love watching American Horror Story, (I can't wait till season 4 comes out! :D)
My 11 questions and answers:

-What is your go-to outfit for a causal day?

For this question I would have to answer a good old pair of skinny jeans, a flannel shirt with top underneath, vans and a hoodie. Personally you can never beat it!

-How tall are you?

At the minute I'm 5ft 7, however I meant to be 6ft 1!

-What is your favourite colour?

I know technically it is isn't a colour but black has to be my favourite with charcoal grey close behind :)

-Do you have any pets? If not, what pet would you keep?

Fortunately for me about 3 weeks ago I came home to find my parents had brought us a dog, and so now I have one dog called Moriarty and I love him to pieces!

-What do you see looking out your window right now?

Firstly I see the sun setting in the distance but before that I can see my rather long garden, a few houses, then a line of trees and a slight glimpse of the River Hamble :)

-What movie could you watch over and over an never get bored of?

This is quite a tough one because I have such a low attention span, literally 9 times out of 10 I watch a movie once and then it becomes boring. But at the minute I would say it's 'The Fault in Our Stars', for me it just makes me laugh and cry, doing everything a good movie should do and there are always those small things that each time I watch it I appreciate more and new things I pick up on.

-What is your guilty pleasure?

Probably getting new piercings, only problem is that I have a really low pain tolerance and so it kills to get a new one done, oops!
-How old were you when you first managed to reach a light switch (and turn it on)?

For this one I had to ask my mum because I honestly couldn't remember, and she said I was 6 at the time ( I don't know if that's really young or not?!)

-What is the best prank you have ever pulled off?

When I was younger I used to be a real 'goody-two-shoes' and so never did any pranks but for April Fools this year I change my brothers alarm to 5 hours earlier and made him wet the bed with the hand in a cold bucket joke. Let's just say I was crying with laughter :D

- Would you rather have a room that is impossible to tidy, or one that us perfect but has a smell that never goes away?

Considering I live in what my mum calls a pig's sty, then I think I would be well adapted to live a room that is impossible to tidy.

-What is number 1 on your wish list right now?

It would have to be for scientists to find a cure for all diseases such as cancer and the eboli disease.

Thanks you to Sabrina for asking me those questions, I really enjoyed answering them :)

My 11 Nominees:

- Becky J (In the Real World)
- Naban (The Literary Oracle)
- Cole Amber (The Beautiful Escape)
- Mary Walker (Vibrations of the Encore)
- Chloe Hill (This Daydreamer)
- Adam (Led By Youth)
- Rosie (Rosabelle)
- Izzie Snowe (Isabella)
- Tessa Be Jonson (grunge is back)
- Kate Stockill (Daydreamer Days)
- Jess Foote (daydreamtogether)

My Questions for the Nominees:
  1. Favourite Dessert?
  2. Sunrise or Sunset?
  3. Favourite TV series at the moment?
  4. Favourite quote?
  5. Do you have any talents?
  6. What is your biggest life achievement?
  7. What is your favourite blog post you have written and why?
  8. If you could go back in time when would you go back to and why?
  9. If you could spend a day in the life of anyone who would it be and why?
  10. What is your earliest memory?
  11. Do you have any fears?
So hopefully you all like learning more about me and got to find some new blogs to read (allowing the concept of the Liebster Award to be fulfilled) and I will type to you soon.


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