Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Getting a dog!


So today I didn't really do a lot so I wasn't completely sure what to write about, but then thinking back I realised that a couple of weeks ago something quite significant happened to my family: we got a dog!

I know owning a dog may not seem like a big thing to everyone but in my family we have wanted a dog for a long time, (10 years in fact!) but have just been waiting for the right time. Thankfully finally that time has come and with the school holidays about to start I couldn't wait to start playing with him. However thanks to the careful planning from my parents I didn't even know we were getting a dog until I saw him hiding in the bushes!
(^ There he is)
As soon as I saw him I automatically had hundred of thoughts running through my head: Is this dog really ours? I actually own a dog? What am I going to call him?
After a bit of thought we decided to call him 'Moriarty' aka. the arch enemy of Sherlock, due to me always loving that character and our dog looking slightly evil, (to me anyway).
At first Moriarty was really shy and timid (as with most dog I'm supposing after they have been placed in a completely new environment), and at nights he barks/whines and cries a little but night by night this got a lot better :) After a few days though he started to find he feet, (and in some cases literally) and we were able to start teaching him his name and a few basic things like where to go to the loo, how to sit and so on. After another trying to teach him the tricks (remember practise makes perfect!) he was able to do them, which was great to see our efforts had paid off :)
When I first got Moriarty I honestly didn't release how much work it would be, we have to: pick up his poo, keep him active, teach him tricks,  buy him essentials, arrange puppy training classes, make sure his is fed and watered and most of all keep him happy!
Overall although
he was such a big surprise, I absolutely love my new puppy, (Moriarty). Though there is a lot of work to put in to looking after him, I think all the time I spend with him and all the memories I am creating are worth it :)


(^ The day we got Moriarty)

Monday, 28 July 2014

Review: American Horror Story

Hey, well this frequent updating is going well... so far

As it's the summer holidays at the moment and I have had a lot of spare time on my hands I thought I would start watching slightly more television, (oh, how naïve I was about how much time I would spend watching it) and a series that I have heard a lot about was 'American Horror Story'.

*Sorry for any spoilers that I may mention*

So I decided to give it a go, I mean if all the blogs on Tumblr and all the accounts on Instagram are loving it why shouldn't I? As it's rated an 18 I decided not to go to the stress and purchase it in fear that I would become freaked at the first episode and never watch it again, but instead to watch it on online on a website my friends recommended to me.

And that's where my addiction to it began... When I started watching the first episode I admit it I was a little freaked, I mean two boys running around in a basement then being violently murdered was certainly one way to grab my attention. But as the story develops throughout the episode and then series and we get to learn more about the house and it's murderous ways I think then is where all the pieces of the puzzle start to fit together.

If I'm honest for the first couple of episodes I was quite confused, I mean starting of with a random murder then jumping to the present day family is quite weird, and then you trying to figure out which characters are dead or alive. It slightly messes with your head. But once you've grasp the concept of it, for me personally, I was hooked. I couldn't stop watching episode after episode and managed to finish season 1 in 2 days, (oh, my sad life). I just think American Horror Story like I said before is like a puzzle, you get a few pieces then your hooked and you have too finish it. I just can't wait to finish watching the rest of the seasons and then when the new season comes out to watch that too.

Overall I would really recommend watching or at least trying to watch American Horror Story, it's so complex and gripping I don't understand how anyone could not love it! But that's my personal opinion and I would like to see what you guys think?

Hi again, two updates in one day! I know it's astounding! I just thought I would let you guys know that I have decided to link my blog to a website called 'Blog Lovin' ' which will allow more people to see more blog and therefore hopefully allowing a greater/wider audience :)

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12635041/?claim=gdcwxp3fabs">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

School and stuff...

Hi people of the internet,

I'm really sorry I haven't updated for a while and there really is no excuse but I'll try the old classic of 'sorry but you know with school and everything I was just really busy', I wasn't but that's my best excuse.

So today I thought I would on to the topic of school and education, I mean yeah it's not the best or happiest of topics, however in today's society it's something that all teenagers have to put up with. *Disclaimer- this post will probably end up turning into a rant about everything that is wrong with school.*

Firstly it the waking up, the choice between getting up early, looking decent, having a good breakfast and being as prepared as you can be for the day ahead. Or having an extra hour of precious sleep and not being as tired and having a headache and then looking like a mess. As well as this what people don't understand is that children and teenagers brains especially are scientifically proven not to be fully awake until 10AM, so technically that first hour or two of school is ... useless really. 

At school you have to deal with ... people, and yes I know all the teachers say 'Well you need to get used to it, there will be people you don't like during every time in your life' but I don't think they had to be teenagers in a society where expectations are so high, you need to have perfect friends, a perfect body, perfect possessions, perfect everything. But school isn't a dream, you can't get on with everyone and forcing people to know and like each other will just make it worse. There will be people who are idiotic, stupid, annoying, rude and so on and at school you get them all mixed together.

*Another point I could go on forever about things that are wrong with school but I will only limit it to three*

And finally and possibly the worst: homework. Our teachers already expect us to complete after-school activities, a perfect social life, eat properly, go to bed at a reasonable time, participate in hobbies AND above all else complete homework to the highest possible standard. Literally at least 3 ours of my time a day is spent stressing over homework which most of the time I don't even understand.

So overall I don't really think school is that great, but that's only my opinion, what do you think about school? I think I just had to get this out of my system, all the ranting and everything.
